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Ragi Flour 500gm

  • ₹ 43.00 (14% OFF)     ₹ 50.00

  • Product Code

    : MM90
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 1. Loaded with Calcium: Ragi is one of the best non-dairy sources of calcium when compared to any other grains. 

2. Helps in Controlling Diabetes: The grain's seed coat is abundant in polyphenols and dietary fibres as compared to rice, maize or wheat. 

3. Reverts Skin Ageing: Ragi works wonders for maintaining young and youthful skin. Vital amino acids like Methionine and Lysine present in it make the skin tissues less prone to wrinkles and sagging.

4. Battles Anemia: Ragi is an excellent source of natural iron and thus a boon for anemic patients and also for those with low haemoglobin levels. Once ragi is allowed to sprout, the Vitamin C levels tend to increase and lead to easy absorption of iron into the bloodstream.

5. Relaxes the Body: Regular consumption of Ragi is highly beneficial in dealing with conditions of anxiety, depression and insomnia.The presence of antioxidants, mainly Tryptophan and amino acids, helps as they work as natural relaxants.

6. Helps in Weight Loss: The high amount of dietary fiber combine keeps the stomach full for a longer and prevents unwanted cravings. This in turn leads to a minimized appetite and weight loss. "Ragi lowers your blood sugar levels in the body by activating insulin.